Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Re: Beginning the Great Gatsby

The narrator is Nick Carroway, a man originally from the West who travels to the East Coast. He became interested in bonds, and moved to an apartment located on the tip of "West Egg," near a mansion owned by "Gatsby." He also participated in the Great War and attended a nicer University. After awhile of living there, he went to visit his cousin, Daisy, who lived with her husband in the East Egg.
Some of his perspective has to do with his father's advice: "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had." This leads Nick Carroway to understand that he comes from a wealthy family, and encourages him to make a living of his own.
He seems like a person who likes to joke around, but also seems like the average guy. Nice, smart, and friendly. He becomes friends with Daisy and her husband, Tom.

I think that by choosing to write in first person, the author showed a much more personal look on the situation. If it had been in third person, we might have gotten just a general summary of the story and no side commentary that Nick Carroway was thinking.

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